Angielska wersja językowa

Logotyp Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021

"Specialized training as an oportunity
to increase effectiveness of law enforcement agencies
in the fight against organised crime"

under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Godło i flaga Polski

The project is financed with the Norway Grants 2014 - 2021 within Programme "Internal Affairs". The programme is under supervision of Interior and Administration Ministry.

Press conference

On 29th June 2022, a press conference was organized informing about the progress in the implementation of the project „Specialized training as an opportunity to increase effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the fight against organised crime”. The project is financed with Norwegian Financial Mechanism`s means and a state budget within the programme „Internal Affairs”. The programme is under supervision of Interior and Administration Ministry.
During the conference, a short film was presented and the benefits for Kuyavian-Pomeranian Police and thus for the safety of the inhabitants of our region, resulting from the already implemented activities were presented.



Publikacja: podkom. Szymon Tworowski

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