Angielska wersja językowa

Logotyp Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021

"Specialized training as an oportunity
to increase effectiveness of law enforcement agencies
in the fight against organised crime"

under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Godło i flaga Polski

The project is financed with the Norway Grants 2014 - 2021 within Programme "Internal Affairs". The programme is under supervision of Interior and Administration Ministry.

Training in the methods of recovering data from mobile devices

In 2022, training on methods of recovering data from mobile devices and their analysis was carried out for 10 officers/employees of the Forensic Laboratory of the Provincial Police Headquartes in Bydgoszcz.

Polska wersja językowa - link

Three-days training sessions were held in three groups as a part of project called ”Specialized training as an opportunity to increase effectiveness of  law enforcement agencies in the fight against organized crime” which were financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget as a part of the “Internal Affairs” Program. The program remains at the disposal of the Minister of the Interior and Administration. 

During theoretical and practical training, participants were introduced to: security measures used in telephones, construction of telephones, their functioning and faults in terms of recovering lost data, types of data access, methods of reading memory without disassembling the device, analysis of reading information using disassembly and unscrewing the device and with service equipment for taking readings.

The training was carried out by the MULTI-COM Sp. z o. o. in Kolbuszowa.

Autor: Izabela Adamczak-Garstecka
Publikacja: podkom. Szymon Tworowski

  • Przygotowanie pinoutów układu elektronicznego do odczytu
  • Wymontowanie kości pamięci z telefonu komórkowego.
  • Przygotowanie kości pamięci do odczytu danych.
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