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Angielska wersja językowa

Logotyp Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021

"Specialized training as an oportunity
to increase effectiveness of law enforcement agencies
in the fight against organised crime"

under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Godło i flaga Polski

The project is financed with the Norway Grants 2014 - 2021 within Programme "Internal Affairs". The programme is under supervision of Interior and Administration Ministry.

Training for police officers and service dog guides

On October 3-5 and 10-12, 2023, at the recreation facility located in the town of Kamień Krajeński on Lake Mochel, training for police officers and service dog guides of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Police garrison was carried out as part of the project entitled "Specialized training as an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in combating organized crime." The training was financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget under the "Internal Affairs" Program. The program is at the disposal of the Minister of Interior and Administration.

Polska wersja językowa - linkThe practical activities were carried out based on the infrastructure provided and thanks to the courtesy of the Mayor of Kamień Krajeński, Mr. Wojciech Głomski. Police officers had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expand their skills in the field of general dog obedience training. 44 officers and dogs from all specialties participated in the exercises. Field activities concerned searching for the smells of explosives and searching for the smells of drugs and were carried out based on a shared database and an area with various characteristics. The activities included searching holiday homes and sports fields with a recreation area for children and adults, piers with moored boats, adjacent forests and meadows, as well as buildings, rooms and a vehicle of the volunteer fire brigade. Tracking and patrol-tracking dogs improved their skills on the premises and in the available meadows and fields around the lake. Exercises with a helper in the field of defense activities concerned the improvement of the dogs' proper reaction towards people about aggressive behavior, their confidence, strengthening their grip and greater independence when defending the handler. The guides and the dogs also had the opportunity to patrol on a fire brigade boat, which allowed them to observe the animal's behavior when using means of transport different from everyday service.

The training was conducted by five instructors from the Polish Association of Instructors and Service Dog Guides, including a veterinarian doctor who conducted training in providing first aid to dogs that were injured or were involved in in case of accidents, before going to the veterinary clinic. For the first time, it was possible to train almost all guides of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Police garrison.

In addition, the training included demonstrations for school students from the commune and the society of Kamień Krajeński, during which safe behavior towards dogs was discussed, and the work of guides with dogs on drug detection was presented. The biggest attraction for the show participants was the defense exercises, during which the dog overpowered a bandit armed with an axe.

Autor: asp. szt. Michał Stachura
Publikacja: podkom. Szymon Tworowski

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